Thursday 27 August 2009


a short post from me to u
Thk u SO MUCH!!
da cake is very nice
my lovely fren tong tong
gave me another huge cake..
n seriously wen i say HUGE
its reli super HUGEEEE!
aft cutting all up..
i need 6 containers to put it all in!!
now u believe me?
last nite was Grandpa's 81st bday
but wen u ask him how old?
he'll say 82
cuz he wana follow da chinese custom
of adding a year older to ur age
&& for some reason
my sis wen n buy vodka aft dinner
so she gav me half of it
*vodka orange*
was oni 5% n wasnt tipsy at all
but aft drinking it
my whole body were reali HOT


; Kissing ;

; Hugging ;

; Making-out ;

; Loving ;

my AFA paper!


having study group tomolo..

hmm...dun knw wana go or not

&& monday is SPJC's FOOD FAIR!!!!


im so so freaking excited!


Tuesday 25 August 2009

Gigantic MOI!

i shud hav taken it last year
but i keep drag n drag to take my poster
cuz its so freaking huge n i lazy to take it back with me
so Today..
at last i wen to take it..
imagine me holding dat da whole journey back in da BUS!!!
im like taking dat huge thing to whack ppl ni
with da poster oni it looks small...
but wen i step in


huge eh?


Life's now all bout books boOKS BOOKSSSS!!!


wat a life da next 1 MONTH!


Sunday 23 August 2009

Yet again ; disappointed ;

*told ya ill post it up!*
Joyce Sweeping her floor

i LOVE tis
its a mixture of peaches , longan , lychee and lemon with jelly
our last outing tis sem
we watched
*I love u Beth Cooper*
super hilarious!

Joined tis year's shop & sing contest in Queens
but yet another disappointment
i stil cudnt get hold of my stage fright!
damn pissed with myself for getting so shaky wen im up on stage
wat to do?
i'll neva give up tho
say im useless
say i dun improve
ur juz a loser urself
i'll keep joining
i'll keep going on
Life's bout learning how to get hold of da things u wan
n not let it go wen u dun get it
Finals coming da next week..
so probably its a gud sign
therefore i cud concentrate on studies
singing cud come next in life
i hav NO REGRETS for joinin each time n FAILING each time
nothing in life comes as easy as u want it

Failling doesnt mean u'll fail forever

Life is all about learning

if u fall down..

get up urself

no1 is a loser in this world


u fall n neva wana get up again cuz u feel humiliated.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Random things...

this two pic taken inside rapid bus..
yeap u may say dat im too free..
well, seriously..
YES! i am...
cudnt really read in da bus cuz i'll end up having headache.

so tis 1st pic is da old rapid bus..
tis is da new rapid bus..
oni has a few..
all others is da old ones.
cudnt see da diff?
owh nvm..

My bestie is now learning da skill of a bakery!
n im alws da lucky 1 who gets to eat!
she gave me this whole cake yday..
its so so pretty dat i din wana cut it!
but today i did
she said will giv me more next time
past 4 months she had given me much of da bread n cake she did
*lucky moi!*

DM tutorial
i decided to sit alone for da past 2 weeks
juz bcz i feel i cud concentrate more..
n yes!its fun to sit alone too..
cuz u'll be more clear on what da lecturer is teaching

Owh who said dat TARC is BORING?
Last week Wilber Pan Wei Bo
came to OUR COLLEGE!!
yes TARC!
can u imagine????!!!
a famous taiwanese stardom came to da tiny lil isolated college!
real cool..but i din go cuz i had to work for pc fair
yeah wat a waste =(
&& this week Jeffery came!!
gahh its alrite if u dun knw him
cuz he is juz famous in M'sia
actually he is quite new in da industry
he did a few talk shows & dramas
he is very super duper Good-Looking!
but too bad..he's taken
a few artist came to our college..
i dun knw y..
mayb its a steady ground to promote their album
as its has the most chinese speaking students

Saturday 15 August 2009


Adore this great compilation of
Taylor Swift *Love Story*
Coldplay *Viva La Vida*

Da boyfriend Luvs *Love Story*
while da Girlfriend Luvs *Viva La Vida*

been missing for da past few days..
was buzy watching *Gossip Gals* season 2
n studyin for Adv Financial Acs
next up in Auditing test next week
and then FINALS

Life doesnt seem to slow down this whole semester
it juz keeps getting harder n faster
more presentation more assgmts more test
n end up we'll b juz be preparing few days b4 da due date

Finals will b drag for 3 weeks!
yeah whole 3 weeks i cud hav no entertainment
but i gota tell myself.
*this is oni da 1st SEM n u tink its hard?
try thinkin wat u'll face in da 2nd year?*
n yeap dat scares me!!

Today is such a quiet saturday
my sis aint in
n she wudnt for da whole week!
she wen for a long vacation
her TV is mine everynite
whole of upstairs in mine!
*nyek nyek nyek*
but i gota start studyin for audit

Monday 10 August 2009


have no idea wats gotten into me
been so annoyed da whole day
nothing seems to get me in da mood to juz smile.
went to meet up with my baby juz now..
but aft dat i became moody again..

and owh yeah..
super lots of perverts in penang..
how i wish i hav da special power to make those ppl blind
with juz a *snap* on my finger
~* oh God plz giv me dat special power*~

hav class tomorow..
gosh im so lazy to go!
my brain is telling me to skip
see how 1st..

Rice Fever (@.@)

wen to this place at greenlane near hamid khan skol
it serves western food oni..
its a hse but they open it up for business
smart eh?
we bump into tis place while drivin to find a carpark to eat at a coffeeshop near there
since its new..
we decided to try
turns out not bad tho
kinda big portion for da price
but its not da *Woah* factor for its taste
wen there with Joyce & Huay lin
dat nite had to stay over at Joyce's hse juz to finis our presentation
so aft finishin da accounts question
we wen to hav our late dinner..

moi & joyce

& da eva blur Huay lin

mushroom soup which taste like da normal canned ones..

my Corden Blue Fish..
nothing 1..
da cheese & ham is so tiny in da middle

i worked da last 3 days in PISA
as Canon printer's promoter..
i wont deny dat im da worst of da worst
we ned to sell more than 20 printers oni we cud earn da 5bucks commision per printer..
yeah Wat da Heck rite?
so fine..
i rather not sell..
but i sold 6..
juz to show dat im doin my job
da FOOD dey provide was ridiculasly horrible.
everyday da same juz da gravy is diff..
last day i nearly puke seeing da same fud
so now..
NO MORE RICE for me da whole WEEK!
yeap i wana b a westerner~!

workin der these 3 days..
i've knwn a few great ppl..
all from segi college..
& a few who is Canon's workers
great bunch of ppl..
we talked we joke we laugh
its reali TIRING
but its FUN tho..
will there b a next time workin wit u guys?
i bet so..

Random pics....
mee suah soup with corn soup
had it for one of da days as my dinner
i cooked myself k..

College had this PR fair n its reali a HIT!
dey had extreme sports felers to demo for us
dey r super COOL!
see da ppl surrounding them..
not to mention..
it was during class period k..
see these ppl skippin class juz to watch this..
we did da same..
we wen in class reali late

Thursday 6 August 2009

go away u fats!

Had to put myself on a strict diet now
as im way overweight ady
pics of me made me realise how fat i've grown these few years
and oni now dat im admiting dat im FAT
craving for these food now..

Luvly spicy noodles from *Japin*
delicious spaghetti cabonara from *Summer Pearl*
da shop is in SP
and my *Summer Pearl drink*!!
Next Up :

Da view from college's study room

da view from 2nd floor down to da foyer
(an open place between School of Technology building and School of Business building)
where all da happening events are alws put up der
last week we had *Chinese Valentines*
and this week we had PR Fair
its supeeeerr PACKED!
seems like my college is kinda Happening tho


was reali touched wen i saw this wen i went to his hostel
da two pins and the keychain
i gave this to da BOYFRIEND
wen we were oni few months into our relationship
at dat time those we the small things dat made ppl knw
dat his gf's initial is *J*
n her bf's initial is *D*
since then he put it on his pencil box TILL NOW!! cute of him!
mine is aso still on my pencil box

Skipped class to go for facial
plz DO NOT LEARN it from ME
in da process of da torture time
i took a pic of my face..
see da red spots..
those r da place wer da aunty took a needle n a tweezer
to clean my pores
my cheeks r worst than tis

aft all those poking , tweezing and scraping my face
finally its da end of da nitemare
da mask was reali cooling and nice..
trust me..
wen we gals say dat we r goin for FACIAL..
its not a pampering time
cuz it hurts to da core!
u cudnt even sleep off..
there wer times dat i was crying while closing my eyes
a TORTURE time.
but da result is ur skin will b smooth as baby's skin for oni A DAY
then da scar will dry up n da skin will b rough again
and there is some food dat i cudnt eat or better not to eat
such as...
black soya sauce , egg and oily food
and there goes my FAV Goreng Pisang!!

a chinese phrase goes
* Ai Mei Jiu Yao Fu Chu Dai Jia*
something like..
to be hav to sacrifice their wants

oh yeah im working tomorrow

for penang's PC Fair in PISA

find me if ya wana get Canon's Printers


*fingers cross*

hope dat every1 who comes to da PC Fair are all healthy

means...H1N1 negative

thot of wearing mask but how can?

3 days starting tomorrow


will b tiring and fun at da same time

Sunday 2 August 2009

nice cold weather

Currently in SP
rcd here on friday evenin
n straight wen to buy my fav nasi lemak

delicious eh?
a drumstick with lotsa sotong n peanuts..
guess how much was dat?
its below 3bucks..
cheap rite?
Its so cool here..
as it was raining da whole day..
i luv to sleep wen i come back here..
Monday im skipping class
as im goin for facial
~nyek nyek nyek~