Monday 1 March 2010

He listens

i feel dogs know wat
we humans are saying
for example wat happen to me

Parents wen for bible study
so i was left alone at home
b4 dey wen
my dad look at Patchy & said
*u take care of jie jie k*
& off they wen
i wen into my room
while patch is off his chain in da hse
i was in my room online
& wen i wantd to go to da kitchen
i open my door
& der my patchy lying on da floor
with his eyes on my door
he has neva sat infront of my room
i wen to da kitchen he followed me
wen i came into my room
he came sniffing around my room
he is juz super CUTE!

i dun mind being home alone
with my Patchy & Princey

btw , i've cut my hair
its No longer LONG
its now SHORT
thx boyfie for taking me for a haircut
dun tell me u regret taking me der

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