Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Beginning of a New Year

The year of Horse 2014

May it bring us happiness

& health too~

2013 , what more can i say
past 6 months had a huge impact on me
shall i list them down?
1) From a temp to a permanent post! * Praise the Lord!*
2) Killer classes after work lasted till nearly 10pm each time
3) Added workload ; responsibility and working hours
4) Got into an accident ; for which i had to chase the one who banged my car to pay up
5) First time organizing a Family Church Camp
6) Been to the doc for chest probs
7) Been taking medicine to help me to sleep at night. *I shall stop it from now onwards*
8) Stressed up with a hectic life
9) Ji Mui for my best friend's wedding
10) Got an increase in allowance from the boss =)
11) Exams!! I hope i pass P6!

Well its 11 items on the list for now.
Thank you for such a wonderful year.

Straight after exams , down to details for camp.
I love organizing but i dint know there is so much details put into it.
Thank you for all the thank yous & encouragement for organizing this camp , 
& i thank god it all went smoothly.
I've learned to be patience and to accept that every single one of us have different personality.
Give & take ; you can't always have it your way

Bout the pills i take to sleep , 
No! its not sleeping pills , it is lighter like flu meds which are drowsy.
& no my parents din know i took it for 6 months through.
When i have too much things in mind , 
the brain just could not rest.
If i don't sleep , i'll get a very bad chest pain & unable to sleep
So , therefore to prevent it , i took it.
For now , there's lesser things to be worried of 
I shall stop it ASAP!
I pray that i shall finish my studies this very year ,
at least only work stress is bearable.

Yes , i got a permanent post now
as happy as a lil kid who got a candy!
Was paid a Diploma's salary ; 
lotsa complications here & there ; 
had to be patience with the management as my boss promised me
to give me extra allowance  to be paid equally to others.
I thank god he kept his word ;
at least the added hours i've put through is worth while

Studies is put on hold till after results are out.
so YAY! FREEDOM for a while.

So much going on past year,
even thought of just disappearing from this hectic world
& just travel the world.
I shall learn to handle stress from this lesson

May 2014 be good to me.
Though lotsa Weddings are lining up!!!!
A year filled with Weddings of people i've known.
When will be mine?
In 5 years time 

Have yourself a wonderful New Year loves.
Be Bless & Bless Others as well.