Thursday, 27 April 2017

New chapter

Guess no one can runaway from "changes"
It comes every now and then
To spice up your life
& to kick the comfort zone of yours off

New space , place , environment , experience
As i said , 2017 bring it on!
As far as i would like to runaway from it
It seems like to no avail.
So why not take it up instead?
I may have loadsa complaints before
But its pretty useless i guess
No one could help me if i dont not help myself
So in the end , i decided to put a fullstop
Maybe be for the better or worst?
Whateva come what may!
Till then i shall think for myself only

Hold on and watch me dance through the rain!

Grey Skies

Snuggling under the blankie on the sofa
With the tv on and with someone
That would be the ideal thing to do now

*in my wildest dream*