Sunday, 24 June 2012

Updates on me

 Yours Sincerely,


23rd June

as saying says
*Stand up from the place you've fall down*
i have to keep reminding myself
you're twenty-***** ady!
i still feel young & lazy
thinking that everything will fall to place
wudnt lift a finger to solve things.

Lazy is in my nature
dum dum is what i try to be

Applying for jobs
going for interview
a whole lot of process again
yesh~! i Hate it but..
its life , the reality is to lie your way thru.

Friends my age talks alot on jobs
as we are all fresh grads now.
One thing we all have in common ;
we hate being ask the most ridicules question
* Why must we hire you & not others?*
What an open question!
sometimes im speechless
don't even know how to answer
but i feel , they are testing on our confidence
if a person lacks confidence ,
there's really a dark future ahead
as you alws look down on yourself
Interviews is where one should show their personality
&  not hide it

its been a month or two
i should hit the club soon aite!?

well well ,
just so you know
i'm officially showing you a pic of my beau

你 的 体 贴 温 暖 了 我 的 心

就 像 夏 天 的 风 吹 过 那 麽 凉 爽 安 静

我 轻 轻 依 偎 在 你 的 怀 里

天 空 挂 满 祝 福 的 星 星

你 的 体 贴 温 暖 了 我 的 心

就 像 倾 盆 大 雨 舍 不 得 淋 湿 爱 你 的 心

我 要 唱 给 你 听 陶 醉 在 你 给 的 甜 蜜


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