Oh beloved Bloggie ,
thy servant had abandoned you much
Been busy? Lazy?
hehehe..all sum up~
oh yeah just got pics from my sis's wedding shall i post 1 up?
an addition to my family
<3 p="p">
Mr & Mrs Julian Tan
so not used to call him * jie fu * yet
i still call him julian kor kor
Ummm...lets see
Life's pretty intense busy last whole week
end up sick this week
Spend the beginning of the week at KL
& end of the week at Camerons!
Shop & Eat till i drop in KL ;
Eat till im Fat in Camerons.
Life's goooooood~
Starting work next weekkk~
not asking much , i just want a permanent position
after all this contract jobs
its sickening to start anew
new people ; new procedure ; new job
if you knw what i mean.
Gona meet my secondary babes after so long, tonite!
YAY! a happy girl much.
Love it or Hate it
Life still goes on.
Be it Being Happy or Sad
Days still passes by.
Cried a few times as patchy was so weak
till everyone thinks that putting him to sleep is the best thing to do for him
i wudnt let anyone do that ,
ending a life is a cruel thing ,
be it an animal who cudnt talk to voice out his thoughts!
Stroke got to him ,
till at times he cudnt control his own saliva
My baby boy , i wudnt know what would i do without him~
he has been there for the whole 11years!
nites when my tears cudnt stop flowing ,
i would sit outside with him ,
stroking him as i pour out how sad i am to him ,
he just sits there quietly listening to me.
Bathe him today ,
all he did was lay down the whole time
as he has no strength to stand up
its very sad looking at him like this.
am i cruel letting him suffer like this
because of my selfishness for not letting him go?