Had to put myself on a strict diet now
as im way overweight ady
pics of me made me realise how fat i've grown these few years
and oni now dat im admiting dat im FAT
craving for these food now..
delicious spaghetti cabonara from *Summer Pearl*
da shop is in SP
Next Up :
(an open place between School of Technology building and School of Business building)
where all da happening events are alws put up der
last week we had *Chinese Valentines*
and this week we had PR Fair
its supeeeerr PACKED!
seems like my college is kinda Happening tho
was reali touched wen i saw this wen i went to his hostel
da two pins and the keychain
i gave this to da BOYFRIEND
wen we were oni few months into our relationship
at dat time those we the small things dat made ppl knw
dat his gf's initial is *J*
n her bf's initial is *D*
since then he put it on his pencil box TILL NOW!!
hehehe..so cute of him!
mine is aso still on my pencil box
Skipped class to go for facial
plz DO NOT LEARN it from ME
in da process of da torture time
i took a pic of my face..
see da red spots..
those r da place wer da aunty took a needle n a tweezer
to clean my pores
my cheeks r worst than tis
finally its da end of da nitemare
da mask was reali cooling and nice..
wen we gals say dat we r goin for FACIAL..
its not a pampering time
cuz it hurts to da core!
u cudnt even sleep off..
there wer times dat i was crying while closing my eyes
a TORTURE time.
but da result is ur skin will b smooth as baby's skin for oni A DAY
then da scar will dry up n da skin will b rough again
and there is some food dat i cudnt eat or better not to eat
such as...
black soya sauce , egg and oily food
and there goes my FAV Goreng Pisang!!
a chinese phrase goes
a chinese phrase goes
* Ai Mei Jiu Yao Fu Chu Dai Jia*
something like..
to be pretty..one hav to sacrifice their wants
oh yeah im working tomorrow
for penang's PC Fair in PISA
find me if ya wana get Canon's Printers
*fingers cross*
hope dat every1 who comes to da PC Fair are all healthy
means...H1N1 negative
thot of wearing mask but how can?
3 days starting tomorrow
will b tiring and fun at da same time
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