ppl say things will come and go...
but y this thing comes and go and comes back again??!!
fingers are pointing at me n her now..
we dislike u?
FINE i admit YES!
but we din do it dat obvious..
we did talk to u still tho we dislike u..
and now u calling me a hypocrite for juz being nice?!
then FINE i shall bring out da Devil in me
as u dint appreciate me being nice.
*devil's horns coming out with da whip in my hands*
there are alws a reason to dislike a feler
so have i
i hav my reasons..
but some wudnt knw how it feels as u din go thru wat i went thru
i think u are as fake as them and a liar too
i hate ppl who tell lies and fakes..
wats ur point of doin so?
and then goin to others to show dat ur pityful?
aint dat makes everything more fake?
da trust i have in u have gone
totaly vanished!
and now u juz gota gain it back
how do u do so?dont ask me..
use ur actions to prove it to me..
i giv u face cuz i dun wan u to pester my other frenz nymore..
their life aint getting ny better with u pestering them and making us feel guilty
its like us being da mean gals
say im hypocrite
say i hate u
thk u
for making things worst.
now i shall HATE u and nothin cud change dat fact
y wont u juz come up to me and say it out loud?
y do u hav to go to others n pretend dat ur so pityful?
things wont come to tis state if u din show ur fangs last time
and u knw wat?i juz hate repeating things..
dats y i dun like translating things to u..
and sometimes we translate u still dun get it..
sry im not a person with much patience
now we u giv u da chance to prove us wrong.
hope u'll do ur best
i hav nothin to say as da majority wana giv u another chance
so let it be..
i shall try my best to work wit u..
if not there is no other chance.
liars & FAKERS im SICK OF IT!
been thru it
wen thru it
turns out
all r da same as u..
dats juz a conclusion from my view
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
New sem blues...
juz last few days i was rejoicing dat i passed my diploma..
and now...i've started my ADV DIPLOMA.
cudnt ny1 juz stop da time?! i juz wan more rest to begin studying for a higher level...i cud see my life in da past 2 years repeating itself...da TIRED-ness...STRESS...ASSGMTS...TEST...PRESENTATIONS..gosh!! our life is filled wit us working our ass off for a better future..wen will we hav our rest to recharge our energy?
Diploma is hard for me..so i bet ADV DIP wud be harder..
1st day of class i've ady missed a class..cuz i din hav da timetable so i tot der is oni lecture on dat day..but aft lecture i replaced back da class dat i missed by goin to other class and at da end..i decided to stick to my fren's class's timetable..haha..screw my class..i ady hand in da letter to appeal for class transfer...
monday is alws da day every dread to go to work and go for classes...however our timetable juz made it worst for us! its becuz they had put da annoying lecture to teach us for da 1st lecture of da week...YES we dislike her..she taught us MYOB and dats for 7 weeks...juz imagine..its oni 7weeks we ady dislike her d..and now 14weeks??!!! ISH ISH!..her voice is so so annoying..as annoying as da voice of BELINDA da host of 8tv quickie...i juz cudnt stand it..my ear hurts so much..not oni me but others too...
theres oni 5 subs this sem including ENGLISH..yeap we gota take it..haihz..we summore hav da class english and practical english to test on our reading..grammar..listening..spelling and bla bla bla...its like goin back to secondary's english class...n owh yeah..tis time round..our class has more guys..compare to last time pathetic 3 guys...but its kinda weird cuz for our 1st class..guys sat one side and we gals sat another side..so freaking weird and if u add up da numbers of students in da class..it wont evn reach 30 ppl!
i skipped class today..cuz it was raining and it was so so nice to sleep..i actually had to get up at 8 to fetch grandparents from da government clinic but end up have to wait there half and hour more..aft rching home i wen back to bed and forgot to put alarm to get up by 10..slept like a pig till 1.30pm..muahahaha..
Friday, 22 May 2009
De Best Fud.
back in SP i get to cook witout anyone nagging me at da side..cuz wen i cook i penang..my grandma will kena on nagging..haiyo cant cook like tis la...u sure can eat?u sure its cook like tis?..it reali cud make a person go crazy!so dats y in penang..i hardly cook..unless for maggie mee oni and pasta.
Mum hardly cooks..and eating out everyday juz make me sick..cuz der is oni a few places i will go and eat..and im lazy to drive out of da hse to get food myself..hehe..so cook lo! tis is *ying yong*..u cud oni find it in kl..penang is reali hard to find tis..and my dad is good in cooking this..but i wanted to cook it for da 1st time on my own...However...as i was frying da bihun dad came in da kitchen and took over da whole cooking process...hahaha..dun trust me? (>.<)..nvm then..actually i wanted him to cook for me..but i saw him so tired so i decided to cook..nyway..da bihun below..da darker brown is da 1 i fried..hahahaha... =)
Thursday, 21 May 2009
tis is wat happens wen im bored
it cud be pretty BORING in SP...its a town with oni one...yes ONE happening mall!..yeah laugh ur ass off...there is evn a club last time which is called * ninja turtle*...with da bartenders are all old ladies...hahahaha..i din go b4 but i heard bout it... (>.<)...btw..its closed down d
i spend my whole day watching drama...let me tell u my scedule..wake up by 1pm...hav my lunch..watch tv....then bath...aft go online till i sleep at nite..muahahaha..i juz LUV tis kind of life...sometimes it may get boring...but sometimes not...however wen its boring...da results will be.....scroll down to see da damage.

Monday, 18 May 2009
im so freaking PISSED OFF!!!
wateva...i shall not let it ruin my mood....have to maintain a good mood for today..cuz...*see da title of my blog* YIKESS YESSS!! =)
2 years past as fast as wind blows....
in these 2 freaking hard years....
der wer times i wana giv up...
wana giv up cuz i was too TIRED...STRESS UP...FEELS STUPID...and cudnt handle da tough subs..
yeah u may say dat i got no confidence...i totaly dun hav wen it comes to studies...cuz everytime i study for exams..it feels like nothing goes in da stupid brain of mine..and for TARC dey juz LOVES having exams...its like keeping us on our toes..its like sumthing good actually but its reali tiring!
and GOSH i hav to spend 4 hours bus ride to coll and back..thk god der is smart technologies like mp3 and Hp to keep me company...its super tiring..im alws da 1 to get up da earliest and go home da latest.
2nd year of da diploma was da toughest...and on da 2nd sem..i got my 1st failure..i failed 2 subs..both of it is accounting subs..yeah damn!im da lousiest accountant in da future =)...but i resit last sem...and da results came out today...and i PASS ALL!! LALALALA~!...
so dat means...im now UNOFFICIALLY GRADUATED from DIPLOMA! yess....and i cud continue my ADVANCE DIP with my gals!...hhhoooooorrraaayy!btw...we'll still be in Penang Branch...
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Prince's pampering day...
Bro came back to SP today..so he decided to take our lil Prince for grooming...but too bad..dat pet shop we wen dun do grooming..dey juz bath and cut his nails...so fine..we let him take a bath (^^)...he was superbly good boy during da whole thing...he din bark..he din try to run off...he juz sat der cuz he was scared...here are some pics..
while our lil fellow was bathing...i was totaly into playing with other cuties der!!...dey r so so so active!...me LUVS dogs...especially puppies...ahh who dont? =)....der wer hamsters too...super dupie CUTE.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Last week my fren Joyce showed me a video in youtube...*Curls without heating ur hair*...sounds so cool rite?so i tried...da way to curl it is by using paperbags...but i used envolopes...hahahhah....so da end result is.......~TA-DA~..look at da pic below.... hehehe...yeah i end up looking like a begger with rubbish sticking in her hair....(>.<)
and yeah i slept like dat!!..hard to sleep tho...but da end result paid it...
hmm......shud i get permenant curls???thought of it..but i scared it will make me look older than my age...
Monday, 11 May 2009
Do u hav to remind me?!
i thought coming back SP for sem break is da best choice...
i was WRONG!
Mum is getting on my nerves...
in penang..i have my grandma who annoys me...now in sp is my mum
She tends to get childish at times...
from da way she talks..
i seriously cudnt stand grown ups talking like a kid...
it annoys me to da max!
like today...we wen out for dinner...at 1st i wanted burger...but dad says dun wan cuz im home..wana go eat beta food...so fine we wen to eat steam koay teow...
mum alws wana share food...me and dad hates sharing food...y wana share?if u wana eat then eat...if u dun wan then don eat!its so simple...
so we called steam koay teow one per person....wen da food came..mum started complaining dat its such a huge plate..and gave some to dad...dad din say nythin
so she eat till finally sat there staring at her food...n i ask y...she said u all la...dun wana share...see now i cudnt finis...i wen *WTH??!!!*so freaking childish!!..cudnt finis then dun eat la!...she said waste food ni...LOL...so she force herself to eat.
everything was ok till da bill came...per plate is 8bucks...and she wen insane...*SEE i told u 8bucks!!now i waste da food ni*...haiya eat d wat can u do?she wen on and on non-stop complaining bout how me and dad force her to eat...(@.@)...i knw my dad will get angry..so i asked her to stop it...juz keep quiet..nothing will gona change if keep complaining...BUT NO...SHE LAGI CONTINUE TO MORE EXTREME...
she said...i wana SAVE...FOR UR EDUCATION...and i wen *WTH??!!*...cuz my dad gona pay for my adv diploma..so she said save for me...she say it as if cuz of me she gota eat less now d...am i such a burden??!!u make me feel as if i am...so i said FINE!!u dun ned to pay...i wont take a single penny from u...i'll go take loan...dun wan ur money..
and by saying dat...she pulak tries to say it in a nice way...no la...tis and dat...but stil din stop bout da food...till my dad wen..can u stop?..SHE lagi raise her voice...sayin i dun respect her la...and ME coming back sp is alws da cause of them arguing over things...
i sat quietly and think...
so this is how she tinks...me coming back..ruining her life...OWH TILL NOW ONI I KNW!!
so fine...next time...any sem break..i wont come back nymore...
and yeah...she has been calling me da *DEVIL OF DA FAMILY* since young...and thk god im not da kind of person tat take things to heart and rmb it forever...tho its hurtful but da tot will fade away someday till da day she REMINDS me again...she alws does.
U HURT ME ALOT MUM!!!!and u juz don freaking god DAMN knw....
youngest alws da parent's fav?i dun tink soooooooooo........
Friday, 8 May 2009
Webcam Mania...
Dad got a new lappie...Toshiba dun knw wat model...hehehe..all i knw is der is webcam and built in mic...well...most of da lappie these days hav these stuff...
So we juz gota make use of it...hehehe...

Currently into Rihanna's *Hatin on the Club* and aso Brown Sugar Macchaito...a taiwanese drama...(^^)....
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Y o Y..
GAH!lets push dat aside...WORRIESS OFFFF U GOOOOO!
tomolo parents coming to pick me up...
YIPPY!i wana go home and hug my two lil cuties...i wana play with them.
i mizz them so so much..
on the other hand..im kinda sad to go back sp cuz i dun hav da chance to see him d..
or mayb next week i shall come back penang for a few days...*MAYB*
Humans are so so weird...
when we hav classes...we dread goin for classes...
when he dont hav classes...we hope dat class will start soon...
all my frenz are complaining bored at home...heheh
well..same goes for me...
i wana meet u guys!!..life is so much fun with u guys around..
and goin back to sp...
i'll be all alone...
Owh yeah...RASHES is still stickin onto me...i wonder y doesnt it go off...
its not itchy anymore...but its stil redspots on my body
wat to do??!! i seriously dun knw wat im allergy to...
plz plz plz GOD...not seafood k?! xD
and yeah....great grandpa JOE!if u read my blog....GET WELL SOON K!!!minumlah banyak air...
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
hate this
Hate getting tis feeling...
da feeling of NUMB...
my heart feels emotionless...
totaly shut out from ny love...
i wana juz SCCCREEEEEAAAAMMMMMM my heart out now..
wud i feel beta?will this feeling fade off?will i forget it?
oni an answer..
if this blog is personal...i'll probably write everything single detail thing here..
but its not...therefore i'll shall keep it to myself.
i wonder wat i did was rite...
i wonder wat i said was rite...
when cud i get da affirmation?!
im lost...
seeking for truth..
wen will i get it?
problems are hard to solve...hard to say let's forget bout it and hard to dust if off da brain.
its like a stain dat will alws be there..nothing cud get rid of it.
I juz cudnt forget it...
if im a slut..
wat r u then?
Monday, 4 May 2009
Mah day..
Tagged by JOYCEEEE.....*100 truths*
001. Real Name: Jessica Kok Siew Ying
002. Nickname(s): Jess...teapot...kokokok...ica...Just-a-car...KS ying...piku
003. Age: 20 ..no more a teen =(
004. Horoscope: ummm....Capricorn
005. Male or Female: Female
006. Elementary: Eden Kindy...Methodist Kindy
007. Middle School: SRJK(C) Keong Hoe *PNG*....& SRJK(C) Naam Kheung *KL*
008. High School: SMK (P) Pudu *KL*.....SMK St Theresa *SP*..
009. College School: TARC Penang XD
010. Hair colour: Dark Brown
011. Long or Short: Long
012. Loud or Quiet: In Between? =)
013. Sweats or Jeans: Definitely JEANS
014. Phone or Camera: Phone ler...cuz it got camera too (^^)
015. Health Freak: absolutely NOT..heheh..i juz eat...=p
016. Drink or Smoke: NONE...
017. Do you have a crush on someone: OWH yeah! =)...mah Lee Hom
018. Eat or Drink: Both (^^)
019. Piercings: 4..wud like to get a belly piercing..but sssshhhhh..dun tell my dad ya =)
020. Tattoos: owh nooooooooo......wanted to but kena stopped by sumone..
021. Social or Anti-Social: SOCIAL la...xD
022. Righty or lefty: Righty
023. First piercing: 9 years old...
024. First relationship: owh...12?is dat counted?hehehehe....xD
025. First Best Friend: Victoria Phang =)
026. First Award: 1st in 100m run!hehehe...
027. First Kiss: 15 years old..
028. First Pet: Fish...but its all dead aft a week...hahahahaha
029. First Big Vacation: hhhmmmm....Singapore..i was like 8 or 9 back then
030. First Love at first sight: owh....super young...hmm...wen i was 9years old?haha..i evn gav a love letter k! (>.<)
031. First Big Birthday: NONE..i havent hav da chance to hav a bday party YET!
032. First Surgery: uumm..wen i was like 5 or 6 years old....
033. First sport you joined: RUNNING!it RAWKS!
034. Orange or Apple juice: Orange juice ♥
035. Rock or Rap: None.
036 . COUNTRY OR SCREAMO : Country ba..
39. Night or Day: Night (^^)
040. Sun or Moon: Moon ba..sun so so hot...
041.TV or INTERNET : Internet la...
042. Playstation or xbox: anything...i dun reali fancy these stuff
043. Kiss or hug: Can i hav both? =D
044. Iguana or turtle: Turtle ^.^
045. Spider or bee: None..dun u both eva get close to me...i'll smack u!ekekeke...
046. Fall or spring: Summer (^^)..wana walk on da beach with my bikini..hahahaha
047. Limewire or iTunes : Limewire!..
048. Soccer or baseball: umm...BADMINTON!
049. Eating: Nothing now....
050. Drinking: Water =)
051. Excitement level: Very LOW..im so so tired
052. I'm about to: Finis this tag and then watch my DRAMAS!hehehe...
053. Listening to: My own singing (^^)hhaha...owh yeah im alws humming songs...
054. Plan for today: Catch up on my dramas then TIDUR (>.<)
055. Waiting for: Him to finis his assgmt and msg me (^^)
056. Energy Level: 20% ?
057. Thinking of someone: eerrrmm...Yea
058. Want kids?: Umm...eeerrmm....aaaahhh...yea kua...(>.<)
059. Want to get married?: Of Course..dun wana live on this earth alone for my whole life!
060. When?: hhhmm...b4 30?
061. How many kids do you want: If can...none...heheh..but dats impossible..lets see..2?a girl and a boy...dat will b enuf
062. Any name on the mind: Charmaine =)
063. What do you want to do: i wana enjoy my life here on earth..till im called back to go up der.
065. Mellow future or wild: Wild? (>.<)...hehehe...dun ask me y
066. Something you would never try: Smoking..ugh!how da heck smokers cudnt stand da smell?
067. When do you want to die: When its time to go ba...
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes for sure..
069. Romantic or Funny?: BOTH!..xD
070. Shorter or Taller?: Average height ba...
071. Protective or Caring?: a lil protective..but more to caring (^^)
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous ah...=)
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Nice body...hehehe...
074. Sensitive or Loud?: a lil bit of both...(^^)
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Definitely Relatinships...
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: owh Troublemaker!! xp
077. Muscular or normal: as i said so...nice body...heheheh...
078. Kissed a stranger: No way...
079. Broken a bone: Nop...
080. Lost glasses or contacts: Nope...dun wear any..
081. Ran away from home: thought of it....but...din..wud be stupid tho
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: uumm...nope...
083. Killed somebody: Nope..but killed a few lizards b4..wahakaka..
084. Broken some one's heart: Yeah..in life u hurt ppl and ppl hurt u..its a cycle of life
085. Had your heart broken: Yeah..
086. Been arrested: Nope..
087. Cried when someone died: Yeah..
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: Relationships starts by being frenz rite?
089. Yourself: Love myself? owh YEAH! (^^)
090. Miracles: yeap i believe in miracles...it happened b4..
091. Love at first sight: i believe too!!
092. Heaven: is a place dat is super holy?...=)
093. Santa Claus: Neva believe in it b4..
094. Tooth Fairy: dont believe in them too....(^^)
095. Kiss in the first date: No Way...not so easy dude!..hahahaha...xD
096. Angels: are alws singing...
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? : Yeah..
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? : umm...not SERIOUSLY happy..but am happy with da way it is now...
099. Do you believe in God? : eeerrmrmm...uummm...sometimes (>.<)..dont scold me!i hav my reasons...
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.
i PEMALAS...who wana do this tag juz do ba (^^)