Monday, 18 February 2008


i stil rmb wen i was small i use to luv to watch edison's movies...he is so so cute n handsome!hehe...n i wen so nuts bout him wen i heard him speakin english da 1st time...darn it was so gud..dat time i din knw he was a canadian...

nw aft growin up..i stil do like wen da sex scandal of him bein in da spotlight view towards him tends to get into da negative side....

i wonder...y wud he stil keeps his exs nude pics in his comp aft breaking up wit them???!...havin sex wit ur luv 1 shudnt be recorded or evn take pics...dat shows dat u r a sex maniac...n is edison a sex maniac??...i do tink of him in dat of his doings...exs r da past...n once u break everythin bout them muz b he stil keepin those nude pics!aint dat prove dat he is some kind of sex maniac??....his current gf din mind all tis at all...if im his current gf...ill wud b upset n dissapointed...c'mon...hw wud u feel if ur bf nw stil keepin pics of their ex...n nt to mention..its nude pics!!!..ders no loyalty in him....tho i stil like him..hehe...n y?cz his cuttteee!ehheh.....

though i dun tink dat he is affected da most compared to victims of da pics!!!....da victims r da worst affected....u c...bobo chan had her dream wedding to b canceled cz of da darn scandal....n it is reported dat cecelia cheung n nicholas tse is to b gettin a divorce!!!gosh....i pt those gals alot...their dream future with their luv one is destroyed!!...dat idiot dat release those pics reali knw hw to make ppl's life a living heartless n selfish!!..hw cud dat feler hate edison so much???da newspapers says dat is cz of edison's dad hav lotsa debt...n dat is jz a move to scare da tis is ridiculas...

ny hw...i jz hope dat those involve in da scandal stay strong...n believe dat der r ppl out der dat stil cares bout them...gilian has been reported to commit suiside twice d...wat a pt ders one thing i dun gv pt on her is dat last year ders a reporter happen to take her pic wen she is semi-nude...n she wen all crazy to sue m'sia...n ppl in hong kong hates us...haihz...dats such a small matter n wat bout tis nude pics of her??..wat she gona say bout it??...wit all her noty poses..aint dat worst?wen she wana sue da reporter it shows like she so damn innocent n so darn clean...n wat happens nw shows dat she's aint clean nor innocent at all...

edison....i stil like if u keep keepin all those nude pics of ur exs...mayb i wud b changin my mind...n b loyal to ur current gf plllzzz...dun b a player!

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