*continuation of da previous post..so its advisable to read da previous one 1st before readin tis..xD*
actualy da khemah thing is for da dinner at nite aft church service...dey ned to put it cuz scared it might rain..n dey din wan ppl to eat inside da church..so we had to rent da tents...
wer did i stop..oh yeah..n then comes to at nite..jz few mins before da service start...DISASTER HAPPEN!da PA system of da church cudnt work!!my dad was like stressing...bt he din wan ppl to help him so he tried findin da prob himself..so fine..we decided to hav a last min prac for jz da openin of da worship songs...*bt i wen church earlier to practice myself cz i SUCK!*so i took up my bass n i stepped sumthing..i heard sumthing SNAP!i turn bak to see da amp...n i saw da wire is out..so fine i tot it came out so i fix it bak bt it cudnt go in!i tension d..wats happenin??!!n then 1 of da guy saw n said..gone la..da wire broken d..wat??!!!im totaly SCREWED!!it was like 15mins before service..my dad tension bout da PA system n we tension bout da amp!!haiyo..everything totaly wen wrong wen bishop is der??!!wat a sunday..was so scared dat da amp cudnt b used d..bt got 2 uncles came n help n open da damn amp n fix it..oh THK GOD!i was reali relieve dat it cud work aft dat..*phew*..everythin wen as usual..however..i stil SUCK!!in my bass..bt no1 cud reali hear me..hahaha..xD..n da reason bishop is der is coz der is confirmation..i took a few pics..der wer 7 ppl comfirmed dat day...

da bishop..hehe..i sat quite far from him
da ppl who wer comfirm dat day...
da congregation..alot rite?suddenly so many ppl..BM service n da ENGLISH service
me vain-ing aft holy communion..hahaha..xD
aft service was makan aft makan is balik rumah!!n sleep..hehe..well dat all i tink..oh yeah..i did take pics of my two clownies!!will post it up soon..im so tired now..gota go rest..
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