Saturday, 21 June 2008

*I'm Yours*

*I won't hesitate no more , no more
It cannot wait , I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate , I'm yours*
today is da 21st..n yeap its our anniversary!! 37 months...xD...n yeah finally we get to spend da whole day together!! so so so happpppyyyyy~!

* hold me tite n dun eva let me go k*
* my hand is in urs*

btw i totaly LOVE tis song...I"M jason mraz...luv his songs..

p/s : Honey...I LOVE U!!!


im so so tired..y cudnt life b easier?i've been waking up at 6.30 every single day..n evn on saturdays!!tis is freakin tired!tis lifestyle is killin me slowly..real SLOWLY!
n my subs are killin my brain cells..
wud u help me thru tis tough journey?
i ned thy rod n thy staff to carry me thru....

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