Thursday, 17 July 2008

*life seems like on a rollercoaster these few weeks..*

*breathes deep*


at last im able to breathe fresh air again!!!..xD

since the starting of life seems full of activities..or full of assignments and test..and now test are all officially over..UNTIL the 10th week der is another 2 test cuming up..=.=
life as a student is full of TEST..EXAMS and ASSIGNMENTS!!well.. cudn complaint much cuz every1 is goin thru or had been thru tis life rite? haihz..things neva cum easy in life..u've gota earn to get things in life..n dats a fact dat no 1 cud eva change..

LAW tis aftnun was kinda tough..cudnt answer two of the my fren she wrote lots!!ah i reali salute her..she's gud..super studious person..too bad..i wud neva become like her..hehe..cuz dats totaly not the studios the playful has neva been my main interest..i study for the SAKE of studyin to get a super gud job in da future so dat i cud live well..hehehe..if i hav the choice..i wud wana b a pastry chef..i dun knw i knw i luv baking...since aft Kemahiran hidup...hahaha..nyways..i cudnt turn the clock around and go back to da startin of year 2007 as it was my decision year...nvm..i cud continue baking at home..xD
*seriously i hav no idea how did i end up studyin accounts...*

lastweek end was a wedding ceremony and dinner...n tis week is my TREASURE HUNT!!in ipoh..hehehehe...xD..TRAILBLAZER!!hope we cud get into da finals!!..well wana say thx to those who i will b disturbing by calling them to get answers...hahaha..i've ask my fren n my sis or bro to stay up for me...hahaha..if im out of my general knowledge im so gona call well im not doin my homework to check out about ipoh..cuz im too tired..super tired these few weeks..i reali ned a wen wil i get my rest??i forsee that i wil oni get my rest in sem break..

well my life kinda busy and probably i wud blog lesser d..nyways..tis sem im real stress for those who msg me on my hp n i dun smart la..means im busy or im too tired to reply..but for my baby..i wud reply u anytime of da day!!hehehe..

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