staring blankly to the sky
seeing birds flying by
time seems to past around swiftly
as im standing still
Ah Kong u muz be proud of us
of our family
as we gathered together to talk & pray
ties wudnt break tho ur not here physically with us
picking up ur bones today
juz made me realize that humans are actually brittle
a small container cud actually fill up a person's whole body
grandma cried much
but non of us cried during the burial process
as we were trying to be strong for granny
*Goodbye Ah Kong , will miss you*those wer the last words i said
i hope to see u soon one day
singing amazing grace to welcome us in joining you der
me sitting here at the com table
i cud hear sum1's crying in the room
but im not sure who
every1 is in a very emotional mood now
tho we alws put up a happy face during the day
Mum told me a heart wrenching news
my aunty told her dat my grandpa was asking for me
wen he was in da ambulance on his last trip back to home
i shud have sneak my way in to see him earlier that morn
why didnt i??!!!
(T.T)as he lay der in his bed
i was holding his hand & rubbing it against mine
he was cold
so so cold
Ah Kong ,now i got no1 to fold my umbrella for me aft its dry
now i got no1 to wait for me if i come home late
now i got no1 to remind me of things wen i misplaced it
i got no1 to replace ur place in my heart
Thank you ,for giving me protection wen im noty
for giving me extra money to spend wen u knw im broke
for alws asking hw am i wen im nt around u
for implementing a habit in me to sleep hugging my bolster
for alws being my santa claus
for showering ur care & concern
Thank You much Ah Kong!
i knw u wer very strict with ur kids
but to ur grandkids ur not
it feels so so weird nt having u around
seeing u in the coffin for those 3 days ,
i reali cudnt accept it yet.
heart is stil very heavy
heavy with sorrows
tinking of u cudnt at least spend ur last christmas with us
; it breaks.
this year for the first time
im nt spending Christmas wit my home church
family made the decision to all go down to Ipoh
we wana stay as a family thru this time of sadness
to the ,
Chew's , Kok's , Yaw's & Leow's
may we stand strong as a family.